Go back to dev_hdd0/tmp and press cirlcle on an empty place (for example where it says Free Space) and then click Paste. Press circle on the sprx and semjases folder Once you're inside dev_hdd0/tmp, go to the folder where you opened dev_usb. On the new folder, you're gonna want to open dev_hdd0, scroll down and head to tmp. Head over to Multiman and scroll all the way to the left. Scorpionmenuv3.0.8-.If you use Multiman you will need a USB flash drive. Ps3 scorpion (sprx) gta v 1.27 (bles only) mod menu

Ps3 scorpion (sprx) gta 5 1.27 (bles only) mod menu Ps3 new gta 5 scorpion beta v2.0 sprx mod menu dex / cex / hen / cfw

Ps3 gta iv sprx orbit mod menu v1.2 showcase PS3 NEW GTA 5 SCORPION BETA v2.0 SPRX MOD MENU - Dex/Cex/Hen/Cfw + BEST MODDER PROTECTION!